MIRA DKG provides access and queries to a domain knowledge graph. The grounding service has 239488 terms.



View information for an entity in the domain knowledge graph based on its compact URI (CURIE) such as vaccine with /entity/vo:0000001.



Identify a standard database identifier for a string using GET request to /ground/<text> to see grounding results such as /api/ground/vaccine


The DKG has 233,800 nodes. This is broken down by the following namespaces/metaclasses:

geonames: 54,549 umls: 19,285 hp: 18,727 cido: 17,191 vo: 13,522 doid: 11,600 oae: 9,410 fbbt: 7,554 ncit: 7,126 pr: 6,892 omim: 5,982 uniprot: 5,806 snomedct: 4,537 pubmed: 4,444 ncbitaxon: 4,316 mesh: 4,030 chebi: 2,548 icd10cm: 2,444 icd9cm: 2,414 gard: 2,123 orphanet.ordo: 2,120 vsmo: 1,902 uberon: 1,589 idomal: 1,461 go: 1,321 wikidata: 1,090 miro: 1,081 ndfrt: 1,034 unit: 1,001 symp: 895 vfb: 719 fma: 679 ovae: 630 apollosv: 626 emapa: 609 dto: 561 kegg: 542 iuphar.receptor: 457 probonto: 448 icdo: 432 ma: 420 ehdaa2: 399 cas: 376 efo: 372 ro: 351 obi: 350 vhog: 347 bto: 338 zfa: 324 ido: 321 tao: 312 ehdaa: 296 obo: 294 xao: 292 aao: 287 iao: 274 cl: 255 so: 253 caloha: 227 opl: 170 galen: 167 drugbank: 158 ev: 144 drugcentral: 141 mat: 140 meddra: 133 opmi: 133 pirsf: 128 hmdb: 128 bfo: 127 dron: 123 metacyc.compound: 116 lincs.smallmolecule: 112 cemo: 111 aeo: 97 envo: 93 caro: 89 constant: 89 pato: 79 ftt: 76 bila: 70 ogg: 70 foodon: 60 vsao: 60 geogeo: 51 idocovid19: 44 omrse: 42 oboinowl: 41 hao: 40 tgma: 38 vido: 36 chemidplus: 33 icd10: 32 trans: 32 iuphar.family: 31 lipidmaps: 31 tgn: 31 umbbd.compound: 31 wbbt: 30 geno: 29 chemspider: 26 ogms: 23 ymdb: 23 ecmdb: 20 gfo: 20 askemo: 19 bspo: 18 dhba: 18 stato: 17 omo: 17 hba: 15 neuronames: 15 plo: 14 ppdb: 14 uo: 13 eco: 13 obcs: 13 mba: 13 chembl: 11 dc: 11 hprd: 11 tads: 11 hgnc: 11 ensembl: 10 vsdb: 10 mmusdv: 10 mp: 10 wbls: 10 debio: 9 dmba: 9 fbdv: 9 commoncoreontology: 8 disdriv: 8 doi: 8 hsapdv: 8 ero: 8 sio: 8 owl: 8 zfs: 7 birnlex: 6 mpath: 6 mro: 6 orphanet: 6 rdfs: 5 skos: 5 omiabis: 5 bpdb: 4 dcterms: 4 viralzone: 4 exo: 4 icd11: 4 snap: 4 gc: 4 spd: 4 eccode: 3 mf: 3 mondo: 3 pba: 3 pco: 3 pdumdv: 3 wikipedia.en: 3 dpo: 2 resid: 2 mfmo: 2 mi: 2 uniprot.isoform: 2 bioportal: 1 cmo: 1 covoc: 1 dbo: 1 upheno: 1 ehda: 1 icd9: 1 ico: 1 isbn: 1 sdgio: 1 foaf: 1 obib: 1 gaz: 1 olatdv: 1 tcdb: 1 nbo: 1 omit: 1 pdb: 1 umbbd.enzyme: 1 umbbd.pathway: 1 gsso: 1